Beauveriolide I

Beauveriolide I

$195.00 - 0.25 mg

$685.00 - 1 mg

All prices in Australian dollars

Molecular Formula
Molecular Weight
>95% by HPLC
Long Term Storage
Soluble in methanol or DMSO

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Application Notes

Beauveriolides are 13-membered cyclodepsipeptides isolated from Beauveria sp.. Beauveriolides I and III inhibit macrophage acyl-CoA:cholesterol acyltransferase (ACAT) activity to block the synthesis of cholesteryl ester, leading to a reduction of lipid droplets in macrophages, inhibiting ACAT1 and ACAT2 to a similar extent. Beauveriolides were orally active in both low-density lipoprotein receptor and apolipoprotein E knockout mice. Beauveriolide I was identified as a potent anti-aging compound from a rapid screening method using budding yeast.


  • The structures of bioactive cyclodepsipeptides, beaveriolides I and II, metabolites of entomopahtogenic fungi Beavueria sp. Mochizuki M. et al. Bull Chem Soc Jpn. 1993, 66, 3041.
  • Beauveriolides, specific inhibitors of lipid droplet formation in mouse macrophages, produced by Beauveria sp. FO-6979. Namatane I. et al. J Antibiot 1999, 52, 1.
  • Discovery and combinatorial synthesis of fungal metabolites beauveriolides, novel antiatherosclerotic agents. Tomoda H. & Doi T. Acc Chem Res. 2008, 41, 32.
  • New rapid screening method for anti-aging compounds using budding yeast and identification of beauveriolide I as a potent active compound. Nakaya S. et al. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 2012, 76, 1226.

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