Application Notes
Melicopine an acridine with a highly substituted benzenoid ring is isolated from a number of species in the Rutaceae family, including Melicope fareana. The structure of melicopine was originally identified by Price and Crow, CSIRO Australia in 1949. The pharmacology of melicopine has been little explored, however it is active against prostate cancer cell lines, PC-3M and LNCaP (IC50 36 and 28 µg/mL, respectively), and Plasmodium falciparum strains 3D7 and Dd2 (IC50 22 and 26 µg/mL, respectively), being less potent than its nor-analogue.
- Alkaloids of the Australian Rutaceae: Melicope fareana. II. Preliminary examination of melicopine, melicopidine, and melicopicine. Crow W.D. & Price J.R. Aust J Sci Res. 1949, 2, 255.
- Acridone alkaloids with cytotoxic and antimalarial activities from Zanthoxylum simullans Hance. Wang C. et al. Pharmacognosy Magazine 2014, 10, 73.