Fulvic acid
Application Notes
Fulvic acid is a fungal metabolite isolated from three Penicillium species by Raistrick and co-workers in 1935. Identification was based on the highly characteristic green complex formed with ferric ions. Fulvic acid is related to the siderophores, citromycetin and other 2,3-dihydrobenzoates. The literature of fulvic acid is frequently confused with a humic acid component bearing the same name. The biological activity of this fungal metabolite is not extensively characterised but its affinity to ferric ions suggests it complexes metal ions.
- Studies in the biochemistry of micro-organsims XLIV. Fulvic acid, a new crystalline yellow pigment, a metabolite product of P. griseofulvum Dierckx, P. flexuosum Dale and P. brefeldianum Dodge. Oxford A.E. et al., Biochem J. 1935, 29, 1102.
- Fulvic acid: Its structure and relationship to citromycetin and fusarubin. Dean F.M. et al., Nature 1957, 179, 366.