Application Notes
Tetranactin is a member of the macrotetrolide complex produced by a range of Streptomyces sp. Like the other members of the macrotetrolide family, tetranactin is thought to act as a monovalent cation ionophore with high selectivity for ammonium and potassium. Unlike the other macrotetrolides, tetranactin exhibits potent insecticidal activity.
- Tetranactin, a new miticidal antibiotic I. Isolation, characterisation and properties of tetranactin. Ando K. et al., J. Antibiot. 1971, 24, 347.
- Tetranactin, a new miticidal antibiotic. II. Structure of Tetranactin. Ando K. et al., J. Antibiot. 1971, 24, 418.