Application Notes
Reserpiline (elliptamine) is an indole alkaloid metabolite of Rauwolfia sp. and Neiosprema poweri, identified as a hypotensive agent in the mid 1900s. Reserpiline is active against the bovine filarial parasite Setaria cervi in vitro, supported by in silico docking analysis on glutathione-S-transferase (GST) enzyme of Wuchereria bancrofti. The bioprofile of reserpiline has not been extensively investigated.
- Alkaloids of Ochrosia poweri. Stereochemistry of poweridine and the identity of elliptamine and reserpiline. Johns S.R. et al. Aust J Chem. 1975, 28, 1627.
- Reserpiline, a hypotensive but nontranquilizing alkaloid. La Barre J. et al. Comptes Rendus des Seances de la Societe de Biologie et de Ses Filiales 1958, 152, 533.
- In-vitro and in silico efficacy of isolated alkaloid compounds from Rauvolfia tetraphylla L. against bovine filarial parasite Setaria cervi: a drug discovery approach. Behera D.R. & Bhatnagar S. J Parasitic Dis. 2019, 43, 103.