Pterine-6-carboxylic acid

Pterine-6-carboxylic acid

$65.00 - 1 mg

$230.00 - 5 mg

All prices in Australian dollars

2-Amino-4-hydroxypterin-6-carboxylic acid, 2-Amino-6-carboxy-4-hydroxypteridine, 6-Carboxypterin, NSC 96893, Pterin-6-carboxylic acid
Molecular Formula
Molecular Weight
>95% by HPLC
Long Term Storage
Soluble in methanol or DMSO

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Application Notes

Pterine-6-carboxylic acid is a fluorescent endogenous metabolite from various sources including human blood, sheep pineal glands, various amphibians, fish and soybeans. Pterine-6-carboxylic acid is a biomarker for tetrahydrobiopterin deficiency and for various tumors. Pterine-6-carboxylic acid is a photodegradation product of folate and augments ROS production and phototoxicity of UVA towards human cell lines (epidermal carcinoma A431, primary melanoma WM115 and keratinocyte HaCaT).


  • The pigments in the dorsal skin of frogs. Suga T. & Munesada K. J Nat Prod 1988, 51, 713.
  • 7-Substituted pterins. A new class of mammalian pteridines. Curtius H-C. et al. J Biol Chem. 1990, 265, 3923.
  • Metabolic profiling of pteridines for determination of potential biomarkers in cancer diseases. Koslinski P. et al. Electrophoresis 2011, 32, 2044.
  • Photodegradation of folate sensitized by riboflavin. Scurachio R.S. et al. Photochem Photobiol. 2011, 87, 840.
  • Folic acid and its photoproducts, 6-formylpterin and pterin-6-carboxylic acid, as generators of reactive oxygen species in skin cells during UVA exposure. Juzeniene A. et al. J Photochem Photobiol. B 2016, 155, 116.

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